

Procurement Management
2012-06-28 | Check the number:1460次

1.  Login member account click my account, enter the members backstage, click the Publish procurement purchase management.

2.  Explanation of each button

Audit: refers to the information you publish procurement manager still did not pass the audit, the channel has not been demonstrated in the procurement.

Reviewed by: refers you to publish procurement information has been audited by passing an administrator, has demonstrated in the procurement channels.

Complete the purchase (expires Procurement): refers to the procurement of information you publish over time you requested has been canceled show in the procurement channels.

     View: direct link to the detail page of the procurement information.

     Edit: You can edit or modify the procurement of information.

     Delete: You can delete the purchase information, will not recover deleted

Promotion: Promotion is a 82EC value-added services, after the purchase of the value-added services can be placed directly in the procurement of information arranged in front of peers procurement, procurement information to help visibility. Click to purchase promotion

Has been extended: refers to the extension service has been purchased, the information has to be placed in the procurement of information procurement arrangement counterparts procurement front.