

Product Catalog
2012-06-28 | Check the number:1072次

1.login member account and clikck "my account",enter the member backstage .Click "product catalog" in "information subscription".

2.Explanation of each button

product keyword: the product name or phrase you need to subscribe.

Information Type:the administrator will send you the information content according to your requirements,including products, introduction, new products and business types.

Cancel subscription:You can delete the subscription information,It will cann't recover once deleted. administrators will no longer send information to you.

E-mail address: the e-mail address is You receive information from administrator .Please fill in the correct e-mail address.

Modify e-mail address: link to the page of "Change email address" after clicking the button.

3.the operation process

Enter keywords - select the type of information - select period - Click "subscription"