
Procurement Prohibited Release Rules

Date:2012-06-26 | Check the number:1037Time

1. Electronic communications equipment

(1) Tapping, photographing or other special espionage equipment, such as pinhole cameras, hidden cameras, glasses cameras, chewing gum cameras, pen cameras, necktie cameras, invisible headphones and etc.

(2) May endanger other's safety, interests or items used for illegal purposes, such as lock picking device (master key), decryption software, missile program, car anti-radar speedometer, car electronics dog, GPS warning, a bank card copy device, a remote control signal interceptors, jammers tanker car stopwatch is and so on;

(3) Short message group transmitting hardware equipment, SMS group sending tools, such as SMS cat, CDMA MODEM, GPRS MODEM etc.;

(4) TV stick, satellite interference machine, China Sat 9 etc.


2. Printing products business services

(1) Any form of documents issued by the relevant departments of the state and government

documents, such as id card, archives, all kinds of license, letter of introduction, qualifications, involving state secrets information or documents etc.;

(2) Forged, altered items, such as forged documents, bills, coins, licenses and permits;

(3) Ghostwrite paper, the gunners who instead of somebody to test this kind of services etc;

(4)Any form of notes should be applied through formal channels, such as the invoice sheet, cancel after verification, etc;

(5)Involve in any form of personal or company to leak trade secrets, such as QQ chat records, business information, etc;

(6) Health service information, such as medical, prevention, health care, rehabilitation, health education, mental health counseling;

(7)Network game virtual goods, such as online account, game equipment, game plug, network PW etc;

(8)Illegal services, such as credit card cash, social security card cash, Medicare card cash;


3. Get items through illegal means

(1)Digital products that are smuggling, fraud or refurbished ,such as water (black) cargo, Hong Kong Bank, the European version, three yards, five yards etc.;

(2) Get items through illegal means, such as smuggling, theft or robbery articles;


4. The controlled drugs, medical equipment

(1) Special medicines and raw material medicine,(the treatment of sexual dysfunction, cancer, AIDS, diabetes, epilepsy, lupus erythematosus, venereal disease, hepatitis B, vitiligo drug, drug treatment, antibiotic product, narcotic drugs, psychotropic drugs, toxic drugs for medical use ,radioactive pharmaceuticals and medical preparations etc.);

(2) Prescription drugs;


5.Control apparatus

(1) Police apparatus, such as batons, handcuffs, leg irons, uniforms, caps, badges, sirens, police equipment;

(2) Controlled knives, such as a dagger, spring sword, boots knife or tool with self-locking device etc;

(3) Other weapons, such as weapon with greater lethality, crossbow arrows, bow and arrow, blowing a slingshot and accessories etc;


6. Guns

(1)Any guns (including gun accessories), ammunition and guns and other firearms, gun, such as imitation, sub (a gun) projectile, gun aimer, muffler, narcotic injection guns, firing the gun;


7. Control of chemicals, explosives

According to “The hazardous chemical materials safety management regulations of the People's Republic of China” flammable, explosive materials, stimulants, toxic chemicals, Precursor chemicals, corrosive chemicals such as gunpowder, dynamite, detonators, safrole, ergotamine, etc.;


8. Pornography and violence

(1) Yellow obscene goods and sexual service such as the adult video, erotic photo, erotic fiction obscene books, publications, etc.


9. Drugs, drug tools

(1) Drugs (drug-containing material) are controlled by the relevant laws and regulations promulgated by the State, such as heroin, cocaine, etc;

(2) Drug tools, such as curling, pipe etc.


10. Opposed to the party and government:

(1) Including reactionary, racial or religious discrimination prohibited by law or other publications, documents, information etc.


11. Fake and inferior commodities

(1) Part of health food products, such as reducing weight, breast enhancement, aphrodisiac food;

(2) The unqualified products announced and exposed by the national regulatory authorities, such as fake drugs, drainage oil, tainted milk-powder, etc.


12. National key protected species

(1) wildlife, world / national protected animals, endangered animals live, visceral, physical, fur, specimen and its products, such as ivory, rhino horn, bear bile and tortoiseshell products; shark fin and shark products;

(2)Special protected species, cat skin, sticking and other products;

(3)Protection of rare plants that national or local laws and regulations expressly provide and their products, such as wild yew;

(4) "People's Republic of China Cultural Relics Protection Law "artifacts of provisions cannot be traded, such as the collection of cultural relics unearthed cultural relics, national level  protected cultural relics;


13. Gambling paraphernalia

(1) Gambling paraphernalia, such as eating slot machines, slots on the instrument, perspective mahjong, perspective poker, red light cards, remote control dice etc.

(2) Lottery, except the transfer cases those for the purpose with no effective and circulation;


14. Cigarettes and alcohol

(1) Tobacco, tobacco products, such as tobacco, cigarette paper, filter rod, cigarette tow, cigarette and other tobacco special equipment.


15. Other types

(1) The Chinese currency, anyone cannot sell or buy RMB in the circulation;

(2) Health food, drugs, medical devices product information can't violate advertisement law, such as "treatment", "new science", "safe non-toxic side effects," "as the medicine take effect", "invalid refund" in content;

(3)Any commodity information that infringes other's intellectual property rights, such as fake commodity information, infringes other's copyright and patent rights. Illegal copies (such as piracy, duplicating, backup, bootleg, etc.), software programs, video games, music, movies, TV shows or photographs;

(4) according to the uniform management ordinance prohibits "military", "uniform", "military" and other terms to attract customers  except toys, books and games;

(5)The items according to the laws, regulations prohibit purchase transactions and the items that 82EC considers to be in violation of public policy.