
Report Infringement

Date:2012-06-26 | Check the number:1217Time

What conditions  does infringement report need to meet ?

82EC  accepts the infringement complaint types include: Trademark right infringement complaints, The patent right infringement complaints and copyright infringement complaints. Report mode: login member account - my account - complaints and report

Complaints need to provide:

1. Complaint party identity and contact information:

  (1) If the complaint party is individual, please upload the resident identity card/passport etc.

  (2) If the complaint party is enterprise, please upload business license/business registration certificate, etc.

2. Intellectual property information:

  (1)The allegedly infringing content intellectual property of violations ownership  certificate(such as: Trademark Registration Certificate / well-known trademark certificate / copyright registration certificate / patent certificate);

  (2) if the complainant party is not the right holder himself, need to provide commission proof of authorization complaints;

  (3) the respondent party related evidence of infringement of intellectual property rights, such as court judgments (not must be provided);

3. Need to provide the alleged infringement product links and images.

  (1) alleged infringement product links: link must be within the scope of the 82EC  sites.

  (2) the alleged infringement product images: images must be within the scope of the 82EC  sites.