
Supplier - Secure Transaction Ways

Date:2012-06-26 | Check the number:1344Time

Dear supplier, online fraud occurs frequently. 82EC provides three official guaranteed supply ways to avoid losses during the transaction.


1. Loan  Guarantee              Handling Fee1%       Free Application

Objects: SMEs that pay through the Internet or 82EC.

(1) 82EC will temporarily keep the payment safe. The buyer doesn’t have to concern about online fraud;

(2) if there is no any matter about the transaction, the payment will be transferred to the supplier 7 days later. The supplier doesn’t need to worry about receiving the payment;

(3) 82EC plays a fair and impartial role during the transaction and temporarily and freely keep the payment safe.


2. Partner Supplier         Free Application

Objects: SMEs that sell their products through the Internet or 82EC.


(1) take precedence over other supplies’  product information and shop information;

(2) take precedence over buyers’  inquiry through particular aisle;

(3) there is a backstage just open to partner suppliers. There are many special functions such as precedence over inquiry, order management, after-sales management and so on;

(4) 82EC will promote partner suppliers’ products through buyer system, exhibition system and wholesale market system on the first day of each month;

(5) 82EC will take responsibility for the payment and the goods, 82EC will pay for the losses of those missing items and money.


3. Dedicated Backstage of Purchasing Agent     Free Application

Objects: buyers that purchase through the Internet or 82EC


(1) cooperate with almost all sectors of buyers. No matter what kind you provide, you can find buyers here only if the quality and price of your goods is valued .

(2) one-to-one professionals will assist the supplier with the matters during sales.

(3) the supplier can get the real-time trend and inquiry of buyers, orders from 82EC  for free.

(4) the supplier shall not concern about little orders and security of payment.
