

Date:2012-06-26 | Check the number:1199Time

1.Upload certificate when open shop.


Company's business license: must provide the company's business license, 82EC site administrator will review according to whether the company's business license and the name of the company are consistent or not, can open stores if it is consistent. 

Shop owner's id card: provide voluntarily, provide or do not provide id card will affect the credibility of the shop and purchaser's support, 82EC recommends the owner to provide id card and upload.

2.Upload company certificate in member account.


Certificate of the company: provide voluntarily, provide or do not provide id card will affect the credibility of the shop and purchaser's support, 82EC recommends the owner to provide id card and upload.

Remark: member account information center notify the audit results, please pay attention to the letters in your information center.