
Instant search

Date:2012-06-26 | Check the number:980Time

What is the function of "instant search"?

Instant search is a kind of free value-added services for cooperative members, when you can't find information you are looking for, you can entrust us to find that, we have a professional staff at the fastest speed to help you find, including products, suppliers, purchasing, the exhibition and wholesale markets, divide into 82EC platform information and other BTOB platform similar information.

How to use "instant search" function?

Login Member account, into "my account", click "instant search".


Send finding


Click request button, select the search type: products, suppliers, purchasing, exhibitions and wholesale markets. Fill in the expected time of completion and content, click "submit", wait for the administrator lookup.


Check the content of the reply

Click "completed", the state is "replied", the administrator has replied your information. Click to view