
Supplier - Transaction Disputes

Date:2014-07-14 | Check the number:1567Time

1.Common Transaction Disputes.

 1)The purchaser claims that there is a discrepancy between goods and its online description.
 What evidence you should provide:
  A. If you are a reseller, you have to provide: product certification and formal certificate of purchase (invoice).
  B. If you are a producer, you have to provide: product certification and formal third party inspection certificate.

 2) There is something wrong with the returned goods.
 What evidence you should provide:
  A. Transport documents.
  B. Real photographs and online description.

 3)The purchaser claims that the goods he/she received are fakes.
 What evidence you should provide:
  A. If you are a reseller, you have to provide: certificate of authorization or formal certificate of purchase (invoice).
  B. If you are a producer, you have to provide: production certification.

 4)The purchaser rejected the goods without any reason and the goods were sent back.
 What evidence you should provide:

2.What disputes will be handled by 82ec.com?

 1)Serious discrepancy between goods and its online description, something wrong with the returned goods, fakes, rejected the goods and so on;

 2)unlawful acts, for example frauds;

 3)Malicious complaints between peers.

3.How to deal with disputes?

 Step 1: Login your account, and click “My account”;

 Step 2: Click “Complaints Report”;

 Step 3: Click “Complaints Report”;

 Step 4: Select the type of the event; fill out the theme, contract ways and content; upload pictures; and then click “Submit”;

Step 5: Finally you will get a feedback that the report was submitted successfully.

More about “How to Report Purchaser