
Trademark rights

Date:2012-06-28 | Check the number:1833Time

When you access and use 82EC, you must accept the terms  and conditions  and notice of this agreement, And abide by the Internet and related laws and rules on this site. You use 82EC, it indicates that you agree to and accept all of the site's terms and notices.

The information on the website


82EC contains: the content of the text, graphics, logos, creativity, and software such as ownership double 82EC, shall be protected by the Chinese and international copyright laws.

Guangzhou Minicky trade co., LTD enjoys copyright content selection, sorting, orchestration, typesetting, and creation of words, pictures, etc. Any organization or individual without the written permission, and may not modify, publish, communication, participation, communication, sales, and make derivative works, or use whole or part content by any other way.

Guangzhou Minicky trade co., LTD. admit users' copyright  pictures and text messages posted on the top Circulation. Once published data successfully, indicate that you agree to grant the top Circulation around the world freely free, permanent, use, copy, modify, publish, translation, spread the information rights. Any organization or individual can not infringe copyright without written with the permission of owner.



82EC. Cooperation suppliers, buyers, 82EC; 82EC.cn; 82EC.com; And other 82EC graphics, images, graphics, sound, creative, logos and service names, logos are protected by law. Without Minicky company written authorization, any organization or individual shall not use, copy, modify, publication and dissemination of the brand.

China manufacturing network trademark. Most of the Chinese products with logo "Made in China", So China manufacturing network trademark can effectively express the mission of China's manufacturing network - broker global buyers and suppliers in China. China manufacturing network extension services (Top Rank) trademark. Top Rank is search results guarantee rankings, Including the top of keyword search results or product catalogue search results ranking (1-10) guarantee.

China manufacturing network, a senior member service "gold members" trademark. Dragons to Chinese traditional symbol, we in the form of the dragon symbol of senior members of China manufacturing network, power, and enterprising spirit.

Dispute controversy

You access to a 82EC sites or purchase of goods by a 82EC or service, if have dispute, should  submit to the court that has jurisdiction and resolve in Guangzhou. When you infringe intellectual property rights of top circulation by any way, Chinese court that has jurisdiction  prohibit or other judicial relief, and you agree to the exclusive jurisdiction of the court.

Right to modify ,update and final interpretation of the statement belong to 82EC.
